Thursday, April 16, 2015

A news portal Israeli ultra-traditional, beautiful blonde picture has been deleted from Kim Kardashian, as it is "a symbol of pornography".
The picture Kim Kardashian, Kanye West husband and president of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, is modified by eliminating bukuroshen through an invoice placed above it.
Nissim Ben Haim, editor of the site of Kikar HaShabbat said Wednesday that they have removed Kardashian because she is "pornographic symbol" that is contrary to their traditional values.
Also in the article, which tells dinner between Barkat and American couple, Kardashian referred to as "Woman of the West".
Within Israel's ultra-Orthodox community, pictures of women often do not show up. In January, the newspaper also removed files from a German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Is Kim really a symbol of pornography?


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